Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day 5 | More rain

Today was a calm, have breakfast late, kind of day. We did decide to head off to the library for a quick walk to get some books. It was just our luck when the heavens opened up on the way back, and we got wet again. That makes it 2 days in a row. As always, the umbrella does a fantastic job at keeping your top half dry.

Today I had on the low cut canvas Converse. The ones that don't really work well when it's raining, because they tend to soak up all the water. The denim recovered well from yesterday's rain, but now we have some more marks on the white shoe laces of these shoes.

When I have the jeans on at home, I roll down the bottom fold, and when I have shoes on I tend to fold them up again. I dry the denim out without the fold, but the denim already, seem to have a permanent fold at the bottom, after just four days. Must be the rain.

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