Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 15 | Harris Blue Black Raw

Harris Blue Black Raw is an unwashed denim. Never touched or even seen water.

Here's Dr.Denim's view on the look and especially feel of their jeans. "Dr. Denim deliberately chooses how the denim is treated, or not treated. We see washes as part of the design that's just as important as fit. And we leave nothing to chance - except, perhaps a few things. We planned the feeling you get when you touch the fabric. We know how the fabric will feel the first time you wear the jeans, and we know how it will feel after a year. But what the jeans will look like, where they are worn thin and how distressed they will be, that is your responsibility. Your personality and your cares will be evident when your Dr.Denim jeans have become a part of you."

"Many factors combine to create the Dr.Denim feel. Fibre length. Composition (adding hemp and cotton to create rawness, polyester for softness and elastane for stretch). Spinning techniques. Fabric construction. Density. And Surface treatment."

So let me tell you that these jeans I have on, feel fantastic. It's been 2 weeks now, and I still like what they feel like when I put them on. The material has a real raw edge to them that feels like they will be with me for a life time. But time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. cool! being a lab rat yourself;) i've never heard of that brand..but i wouldn't mind putting it on though..
