Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 1 Red Salvage

Finally I've started again, with another 6 month project. What's the difference between this time and the last time? Well a few things really. Most of the 6 months will be over summer, March - September, compared to winter the last time, September - March. This is a pair of Salvage denim, a lot heavier than the last pair. Harris vs Raymond. Just speaking about blue dye, this pair is very blue, and my hands are covered in indigo dye at the end of the day if I don't wash them regularly.

So what's the deal with this project? Basically it's me having a pair of jeans on, every day, for 6 months, then washing them, and seeing what the result looks like. In case you didn't know, Raw denim has never been washed. That means they will shrink about 5% at the first wash. That's why it's recommended to wear them in before you wash them. Here's some info on the first 6 month test I did two years ago.

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